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ok so the pressure is on...i've been trying to come up with these great ideas of things to write about on here...i actually have about 3 or 4 drafts saved…yes THAT MANY...so why haven't i posted anything...is it that i constantly start a project and never finish it? or is it just that I have so many great thoughts that my mind just wanders? i mean i started out wanting to tell the world about this disgusting co-worker that thought it was ok to eat BBQ ribs at work and how she licked the sauce from her fingers (i mean seriously..who eats RIBS??! gosh) but then i wanted to tell you about this friend i have that is about to get married but too scared to tell his fiancé that he wants to call the wedding off...and somehow that turned into why do people use the excuse that all men cheat to justify infidelity...oh and then there's the draft about how i HATE…and i rarely use that word…but i HATE when i am ignored and how someone is doing that to me right now...and there are countless other ideas that i mentally blog about (maybe i have a problem when my private thoughts are in blog format...u think?) anyway....then i started to think about a conversation i had with a friend the other day where i jokingly said "i have commitment issues" i was joking right? i said it as a joke…but maybe there’s some truth to everything we say. maybe subconsciously i was finally admitting to myself that i can’t decide on something and stick with it, i mean it’s obvious from my first posting that it took me hours to commit to a NAME for my blog...now it took days to commit to a topic to write about....so i started thinking hmm...what in my life have i run from? not much...right? right? well there were the GMATs that i started prepping for and have all the materials at home dusty in a box but haven’t taken the exam yet and then there's the yarn that's been sitting on my living room floor waiting to be knitted into a scarf, but i didn't finish that bc its too hot for a scarf now right? shoot…what about the clothes that I gathered for good will and have been sitting in my room since november...oh wait then there's the gym membership and the taebo tapes and the pilates stuff and the special k diet and the damn big ass ball that i'm supposed to be doing crunches on that has magically transformed itself into my daily foot rest while i relax and watch tv....ok so maybe i do...

....or maybe like with this posting..it just took for the right thing to come along..

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